Petek, 31. januar

  • 18:00 – 20:00 Intenzivni začetni tečaj Balboe 1.del – Brina&Jure
  • 18:30 – 20:00 Dodatni tečaj. Musicality. Open level. Maria&Luis
  • 20:00 – 01:00 Plesni večer

Sobota, 1. februar

  • 11:00 – 13:10 Intermediate Balboa – Maria&Luis
  • 14:00 – 16:10 Advanced Balboa – Maria&Luis
  • 18:00 – 20:00 Intenziivni začetni tečaj Balboe 2.del – Brina&Jure
  • 20:00 – 01:00 Plesni večer

Nedelja, 2. februar

  • 15:00-17:00 Invitational Balboa –  Maria&Luis

-English bellow-

Dodatni tečaj -Musicality. Open level.

Pridružite se nam na delavnici, kjer bomo raziskovali raznolikost muzikaličnosti v Balboi! Tečaj je odprtega nivoja, kar pomeni, da je primeren za vse, ki že obvladate osnovne korake Balboe ali ste bolj izkušeni plesalci in si želite poglobiti svoje razumevanje povezave med plesom in glasbo. Na tem tečaju bomo raziskovali različne ritmične vzorce in glasbene fraze, se učili, kako s svojim plesom izraziti glasbene poudarke in dinamiko, ter razvijali orodja za improvizacijo, ki bodo vašemu plesu dodala osebno noto.

Poučujeta Maria&Luis

Intenzivni začetni tečaj Balboe

Tečaj je namenjen popolnim začetnikom, zato predhodne izkušnje niso potrebne. Celoten tečaj obsega štiri ure, v katerih se boste temeljito naučili osnov balboe, da boste lahko samozavestno zaplesali na plesnem večeru. Po zaključku intenzivnega tečaja ste toplo vabljeni, da se pridružite našim rednim tedenskim uram, ki potekajo vsak torek od 19:00 do 20:00.

Poučujeta Brina&Jure

Intermediate Balboa

Ta nivo je namenjen plesalcem, ki balboo plešejo šele kratek čas, vendar so samozavestni v osnovnih korakih balboe in pripravljeni na nadgradnjo svojega znanja. V svojem repertuarju imate osnovne korake/figure ko so Up Hold basic, Down Hold basic, Come Around, Toss Out, Lollies in Swivels. Pripravljeni ste na izzive s hitrejšimi tempom in bolj zapletenimi figurami, da svoj ples dvignete na višjo raven. Ta nivo je pravi za vas, če obiskujete redne tečaje Balboa Fundamentals v plesni šoli Bottoms Up.

Poučujeta Maria&Luis

Advanced Balboa

Balboo redno plešeš že nekaj časa, verjetno dve leti ali več, obiskuješ pa tako tečaje kot plesne večere. Obvladaš osnovni korak in plesne vzorce kot so up hold, down hold, out and in, come around, toss out, lollies in swivels, poznaš pa tudi nekaj variacij teh korakov. Dobro poznaš balboa ritme in kombinacijo različnih stilov, povezanih z odprto in zaprto plesno držo.Ta nivo je pravi zate, če obiskujete redne tečaje Balboa Shufflers v plesni šoli Bottoms Up.

Poučujeta Maria&Luis

Invitational Balboa

Ustvarimo nekaj resnično edinstvenega in navdihujočega!

Z navdušenjem vabimo vse izkušene plesalce in učitelje Balboe, da se nam pridružijo na ustvarjalnem in motivacijskem treningu. Da bi ohranili visoko kakovost tega tečaja, bomo povabila poslali tistim, ki jih poznamo v lokalnem okolju. Če pa povabila niste prejeli in/ali prihajate iz tujine ter menite, da je ta nivo primeren za vas, vas spodbujamo, da se prijavite. Z veseljem vas bomo sprejeli!

Poučujeta Maria&Luis

Lokacija: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana

Za udeležbo na tečaju je potrebna predhodna prijava, ki jo lahko opravite s partnerjem ali brez njega. Da zagotovimo ustrezno razmerje med leaderji in followerji, lahko prijavljeni brez partnerja pristanejo na čakalni vrsti. Med tečaji priporočamo menjavo plesnih partnerjev, zato tudi tisti, ki se prijavite s svojim plesnim partnerjem, ne boste skozi celoten tečaj plesali zgolj z njim/njo. Všeč nam je ideja, da plešemo vsi z vsemi.



  • Delavnica (2x60min) 35 €
  • Intensivni začetni tečaj (4x60min) 40 €
  • Dodatni tečaj. Musicality – Open level (90min) 27€
  • Petkov plesni večer 3 €
  • Sobotni plesni večer 3 €

V primeru kakršnih koli dodatnih vprašanj nas kontaktirajte:


Extra class. Musicality - open level

Join us for a workshop where we will explore the diversity of musicality in Balboa! This open-level class is suitable for everyone who has already learned the basic Balboa steps or is a more experienced dancer looking to deepen their understanding of the connection between dance and music. In this class, we will explore different rhythmic patterns and musical phrases, learn how to express musical accents and dynamics through your dance, and develop tools for improvisation that will add a personal touch to your dancing.

Teaching by Maria&Luis

Intensive Beginner Balboa

A complete beginner course, no previous experience required. The full course consists of four hours, during which you will learn the basics of Balboa, enabling you to dance confidently at the evening social.

Upon completing the intensive course, you’re warmly invited to join our regular weekly classes, held every Tuesday from 19.00 to 20.00

Teaching by Brina&Jure

Intermediate Balboa

This level is designed for dancers who are dancing balboa for not so long, but confident with the basic Balboa steps and are ready to expand their skills. You have learned the basic steps/moves such as Up Hold basic, Down Hold basic, Come Around, Toss Out, Lollies and Swivels. Ready for challenging yourself with faster tempos, more intricate footwork to bring your Balboa dancing to the next level. It is your level if you are attending the Balboa Fundamentals regular classes at Bottoms Up.

Teaching by Maria&Luis

Advanced Balboa

You have been dancing balboa for quite some time on a regular basis, probably for 2 years or more, both taking classes and going social dancing. You are comfortable and confident with the basic steps and patterns like Up Hold, Down Hold, Come Around, Out and In, Toss Out, Lollies and Swivels, and know a few variations. You have a fair understanding of the Balboa rhythms, and the mix between the different styles related to closed and open positions. It is your level if you are attending the Balboa Shufflers regular classes at Bottoms Up.

Teaching by Maria&Luis

Invitational Balboa

Let’s create something truly unique and inspiring!

We are excited to invite all high-level Balboa dancers and teachers to join us for a creative and motivating training experience. To maintain the high quality of this class, we will be sending invitations to those we know locally. However, if you haven’t received an invitation and/or are traveling from abroad and feel that this level is right for you, please don’t hesitate to register. We’d love to have you with us!

Teaching by Maria&Luis

Location: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172., 1000 Ljubljana

Participation in the course requires preliminary registration which you can do with or without a partner. In order to ensure the proper leader-follower ratio, those registering without a partner might be placed on a waiting list. During the classes, we suggest changing dance partners, so even those who sign up with “their” dance partner will not dance with him/her for the entire lesson. We like the idea that everyone dances with everyone.

The workshops are held in English.



  • Workshop (2×60 mins): 35 €
  • Intensive beginner workshop (4×60 mins): 40 €
  • Extra class. Musicality – Open level (90min) 27€
  • Friday dance party: 3 €
  • Saturday dance party: 3 €

If you have any further questions, please contact us:

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